Confused Words: altar vs alter

1. However, it was too late to the matter now, so I locked it up in my private safe and turned once more to my work.
2. Many cards the effects of other cards.
3. An ego is an nate personality or persona.
4. Men generally, under such a government as this, think that they ought to wait until they have persuaded the majority to them.
5. ``But people themselves so much, that there is something new to be observed in them for ever.''
6. The is a reproduction of a Spanish of St.
7. He is frequently seen to be making a sacrifice on a small .
8. Such changes could significantly Egypt's economic landscape.
9. ``Well, suppose you were to a signal, and substitute another?''
10. ``This is, indeed, the reason why I begged you to the order of the questions.''
11. In reality, it would be five churches facing a single .
12. She differs in her ability to her skin pigmentation to look like a human, Atlantean, or Lemurian.
13. With an encouraging nod or two, he immediately went out to the arrangements, and left her by herself to follow as she had proposed.
14. ``You have, then, been induced to your opinion; you have had some proofs of their truth?''
15. In changes of this nature, there will be little or no tendency to the original pattern, or to transpose the parts.
16. The main , the central one, is in the name of Saint Mary.
17. Augusta tried to persuade Julia to leave Mason at the .
18. The act did not the status of any existing fee farm grants.
19. The main was sculpted in 1775-1776 to a design by Ferdinando Fuga.
20. In the interior, the houses a miraculous icon of the Madonna.
21. They were all three standing in a knot in front of the .
22. Such medals are still considered contemporary and the ations do not their value.
23. Other compounds may perception of sweetness itself.
24. A few substances the way sweet taste is perceived.
25. A baldachin, or baldaquin (from ), is a canopy of state over an or throne.
26. The video features Jo Calderone, Gaga's male ego, who is also featured on the single's cover, and Yüyi, her mermaid ego.
27. He designed the of Forgiveness at the Mexico City Metropolitan Cathedral.
28. After some initial hesitation several Bloods walk up to the .
29. The main is dominated by a statue of Amitabha Buddha.
30. ``No, you will lose it, for you are going to your correspondent's message.''
31. Men, generally, under such a government as this, think that they ought to wait until they have persuaded the majority to them.
32. Then the count knelt down by the side of the bed, which death had converted into an .
33. There are two smaller s, to the front of the main .
34. Humanity had been strong, energetic, and intelligent, and had used all its abundant vitality to the conditions under which it lived.
35. Lucas guild relic that had been stored in the guild of the St.
36. I went to the with him with the intention to make him just as good a wife as it was in me to be.
37. At the base of the were found the remains of more than 400 pottery vessels.
38. I only wonder I didn't fall down and do a faint right there before the ."
39. Mr. Dick, who is to give my darling to me at the , has had his hair curled.
40. There is another in the north aisle.

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