Originality Detection

Determining whether a submitted work is plagiarized or not is much harder than it sounds. Consider the hundreds of thousands of books in print and the hundreds of billions of web pages on the Internet, and then realize that this amount of text continues to grow at an exponential pace. So, how does our PaperChecker technology rise to the challenge of comparing papers against an enormous collection of documents that continues to grow? We recognize that search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing will ALWAYS be best at indexing content, so we leverage their APIs to search against their vast data stores.
When you make a submission to PaperRater, your text is split up into smaller pieces which are then compared against more than 20 billion pages found in the books, journals, research articles, and web pages indexed by the search giants Google, Yahoo, and Bing. A low originality score indicates that all or a portion of the submitted document can be found elsewhere. Documents that may match the input text are displayed so that teachers can verify whether potential matches represent plagiarism or a false positive. A high originality score indicates that none, or almost none, of the submitted document was found on the Internet via search. It should also be noted that quotations are NOT removed before checking for plagiarism. Because of this, many quotes can skew the originality score.