Confused Words: complement vs compliment

1. The complete protein of a cell or organism is known as the proteome.
2. Madame Defarge received it as a , and looked at her husband.
3. We'll drink the daisies of the field, in to you; and the lilies of the valley that toil not, neither do they spin, in to me--the more shame for me!'
4. I didn't care nothing for the , but I was glad to be let off, anyway.
5. Eventually the ship was crushed and sunk, stranding its 28-man on the ice.
6. Its normal crew is 38 civilians and no military personnel.
7. ``A ,''said the Marquis,``to the grandeur of the family, merited by the manner in which the family has sustained its grandeur.
8. His wish of introducing his sister to her was a of the highest kind.
9. ``To yield without conviction is no to the understanding of either.''
10. Elizabeth said nothing, but it gratified her exceedingly; the must be all for herself.
11. ``Do you not think it would be a proper to the place?''
12. When I was presented to him, he gave me a close embrace, a I could well have excused.
13. Ships of this class were long, displaced and had a of about 35.
14. On the rocky moors the various lichens and mosses each other in colorful picturesque scenery.
15. The to herself and her sister was not unfelt.
16. I would rather be paid the of being believed sincere.
17. Let us now our economic achievements with social, cultural, and spiritual development.
18. ``If you her at all, let it be on her voice, at least,''said Monte Cristo.
19. It uses narrative sources to its discoveries.
20. Alice said, hoping to get it into a better temper by a .
21. In addition there was the usual of quartermaster and sanitary and medical detachments.
22. I shall Mademoiselle Danglars on her cameo, while the father talks to you.''
23. But the ship, having her full of seamen, spurned his suit; and not all the King his father's influence could prevail.
24. This field laboratory was intended to the MSU College of Fisheries program in freshwater aquaculture.
25. I tasted them out of to Nature, though they were scarcely palatable.
26. The novel also deals with significant business and financial aspects which the adventure.
27. ``It is a which I never pay to any place if I can avoid it.''
28. activation leads to destruction of the basement membrane.
29. The ones' plus the 1 is the two's .
30. After the full was achieved in December 1995, there were no further launches until December 1999.
31. He did not take the identification as a ; but he made the best of it, and turned it off with a laugh.
32. Some of her of 220 men served in the field with the Naval Brigade.
33. A specific example of a set with an enumeration but not a computable enumeration is the of the halting set.
34. I acknowledged this , and ordered the negus, which was soon produced.
35. And style assessment can also the search for personality disorder.
36. Beam - The width of the ship - The full number of people required to operate a ship.
37. and his predecessors; and he saw that the was not half empty.
38. Accept my thanks for the you are paying me.
39. Allow me to you on your knowledge; such learning is very rare among ladies.''
40. The fort's military was 176 men, including officers and artillerymen.

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