Confused Words: freeze vs frieze

1. In the seventeenth century "" was applied to linen cloth, apparently as from Frisia, an unconnected usage.
2. In 2005 they released the Moment on Greyhound Records in Belgium, featuring Anita Kelsey.
3. Originally the front was sided in clapboard with a cornice and ; that was replaced with cedar in the 1950s.
4. A "studiolo" would often have a Latin motto painted or inlaid round the .
5. The only equipment is the Gravity Gun, used to and un blocks, pick them up and move them.
6. Coarse was manufactured in England for export to Ireland in the nineteenth century.
7. The porch is decorated with turned posts, jigsaw struts, and a carved .
8. Operation Deep (OpDFrz or ODF) is the codename for a series of United States missions to Antarctica, beginning with "Operation Deep I" in 1955–56, followed by "Operation Deep II", "Operation Deep III", and so on.
9. In 2010, Coburn called for on defense spending.
10. Above the doorways are classical Ionic order columns that ostensibly hold up the and pediment.
11. It has diagonal buttresses, two-light bell openings, and a quatrefoil .
12. The Operation Deep activities were succeeded by "Operation Deep II", and so on, continuing a constant US presence in Antarctica since that date.
13. Slow lorises are particularly vulnerable because they tend to when spotted.
14. The will be up for renegotiation in 2011.
15. Thoroughbreds and Standardbreds in Australia and New Zealand are branded.
16. In the history of textiles, (French: "frisé") is a Middle English term for a coarse woollen, plain weave cloth with a nap on one side.
17. In October, there is a possibility of a and there is an increase the number of cloudy days, with possible rain.
18. To apply a brand, all hair is shaved at the branding site.
19. But the salt mixture does not because its freezing point is far below that of pure water.
20. Simple and noble, it is decorated by a with floral decoration running under the ledge.
21. The figures on the represent the wool trade between Bradford and the world, besides architecture and the arts.
22. I thought that there was no need of ice to them.
23. When it sees an approaching falcon it gives a warning call and the other sandgrouse .
24. was woven in the English Midlands and Wales, and in Ireland from the fourteenth century, and later in Holland as well.
25. The edge of the lid is decorated by a of flying geese.
26. Today, "" is also a term applied to a textile technique used in modern machine-loomed carpeting, as well as the textile produced.
27. The library is near located, accessible by a door which the jambs and the lintel are carved in marble, adorned with a of floral decoration.
28. However, "What Would You Do for a Dollar?" and " Tag" were the two earliest.)" Pilot Season (1991-1993).
29. During the winter all rivers over.
30. Above the doors are seahorses on the main and Moorish paneling on the doors themselves.
31. The Ulster, a long loose overcoat as worn in Ulster, was made of .
32. Operation Deep I. The impetus behind Operation Deep I was the International Geophysical Year 1957–58.
33. Fluted pilasters rise to the between the last bays on either end and the rest of the windows.
34. The writers even got to give it a -frame shot for the ending.
35. Dryvax is a -dried calf lymph smallpox vaccine.
36. In the banqueting hall is a 19th-century overmantel and carved by C.R. Millar.
37. Some of my friends spoke as if I was coming to the woods on purpose to myself.
38. The term can also be used for the curly nap fabrics have, as well as the action of raising the nap, which differs from standard methods.
39. The roofline had a dentiled cornice with a white below.
40. Operation Deep I prepared a permanent research station and paved the way for more exhaustive research in later Deep operations.

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