Confused Words: wreath vs wreathe

1. The grades of the Air Force Space and Missile badge were denoted by a star (senior) and (command) centered above the decoration.
2. On the other side of coins, appears with an enclosing with the Greek abbreviations "BAK", "BAEY", "BAEIY" and with the trade denomination "KΔ".
3. "The Result:" Dave solves all nine symbols, then finds the "victory" symbol (a laurel ) to win.
4. Virgil’s award winning artwork was a sentimental drawing commemorating Legacy Week showing the ghost of soldier embracing his schoolgirl daughter who is laying a to his memory.
5. The coat of arms also has a at the bottom around the shield and three castles topping the shield; both in yellow.
6. Both the Chinese President Hu Jintao and Austrian President Heinz Fischer laid a of honor.
7. Receive the victor's ; and the herald shall proclaim your victory aloud before your own tribunal: "M.
8. The level of degree is denoted by a star and above the badge and is determined by the number of flight hours accumulated.
9. The Large Military Merit Medal was of gilt bronze, and was 38-mm in diameter, compared to 32-mm for the Silver Military Merit Medal. The crown was surmounted by a of laurel leaves.
10. Every year on the anniversary of the sinking she went to Toronto to place a at a cemetery monument honoring the Empress victims, but mostly her parents.
11. On his coffin were placed his scabbard, sword, cap, belt and medals along with a of white roses.
12. Until late in the 20th century, women could in some regions or times sue a man for money when he took her virginity without taking her as his wife.
13. On the right side is goddess Liberty wearing a Phrygian cap and laurel .
14. The Senior Weapons Director Badge is annotated by a star above the badge and the Master Badge displays a star and .
15. When I return to my house I find that visitors have been there and left their cards, either a bunch of flowers, or a of evergreen, or a name in pencil on a yellow walnut leaf or a chip.
16. His forehead was bound with a of sweet grass, in place of a warrior's frontlet, and he carried a bunch of flowers in his hand.
17. The war memorial, dating from about 1920, is in alabaster, and depicts an angel an a .
18. You would almost think a great gun had been discharged; and if you noticed the light of vapour from the spiracle at his other extremity, you would think that that was the smoke from the touch-hole.
19. In 1906 Krymov participated in students exhibitions, and from 1907 in exhibitions including the Blue Rose, the , the Golden Fleece, and the Union of Russian Artists.
20. The obverse depicts the ‘World-in-a ' emblem of the United Nations.

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