What is a subordinate clause?

A subordinate clause cannot stand alone. It is not independent. A subordinate clause has a subject and a verb, but it cannot stand alone as a complete sentence. Let’s look at some examples;
  • If you win the award (you=subject; win=verb)
  • Since the sun will shine today (the sun=subject; will shine=verb)
  • When she was sick (she=subject; was=verb)
  • Because mom said so (mom=subject; said=verb)

Example sentences using a subordinate clause

  • If you win the award, I will buy you a new video game.
  • Since the sun will shine today, we will go to the beach.
  • When she was sick, her teacher gave the exam.
  • Because mom said so, I apologized to Cecilia.

Types of Subordinate Clause

A subordinate clause can act as an adjective, adverb, or noun. The adjective clause can also be referred to as a ‘relative clause’. An adjective clause begins with a relative pronoun or a relative adverb. The relative pronoun or relative adverb may function as the subject of the clause. Some relative pronouns are: who, whom, which, that, whose Walden University Grammar Handbook
  • The man who lives by the lake is my uncle.
The subject of the clause is ‘who’ and the verb is ‘lives’. This adjective clause is giving us more information about the "man".
  • The cell phone that is on the bed belongs to Andrès.
The subject of the clause is ‘that’ and the verb is ‘is’. This adjective clause is giving us more information about the ‘cell phone’. Some relative adverbs are: when, why, where
  • The moment when the balloon burst was great!
This adjective clause gives more information about ‘the moment’.
  • The reason why he became ill is a secret.
This adjective clause gives more information about ‘the reason’.
  • Did you go to the factory where my friend Rob works?
This adjective clause gives more information about ‘the factory’.

The adverbial clause is a subordinate clause that acts as an adverb! An adverb clause may tell us the place, time, cause, or purpose of an action. They can also indicate condition. An adverb clause may answer the question: Where?, when?, why?, and under what conditions?
  • Wherever there is alcohol, people will often fight.
  • If you know where they work, you can schedule an appointment.
The adverb clauses above answer the question, Where?
  • After the project is complete, we will rest.
  • When the tide is high, the boats will leave.
The adverb clauses above answer the question, When?
  • Hilary took the payoffs because she was greedy.
  • Since she received a huge kickback, she voted for the project.
  • So that he would not make noise, he took off his shoes.
  • He told her liesin order to stay out of trouble.
The adverb clauses above answer the question, Why?
  • If you work very hard, the government will punish you with more taxes.
  • If you sit around the house, the government will give you free handouts.
  • Unless you hurry, you will be late for your second job.
The adverb clauses above answer the question, Under what conditions?

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The noun clause is a subordinate clause that acts like a noun! Noun clauses begin with words such as: how, that, what, whatever, when, where, whether, which, whichever, who, whoever, whom, whomever, and why. Noun clauses can act as subjects, direct objects, indirect objects, predicate nominatives, or objects of a preposition. The Cambridge Dictionary
  • Whoever thought of that idea is an idiot.
Whoever thought of that idea’ is a noun clause. It contains the subject ‘whoever’ and the verb ‘thought’. The clause acts as a subject in the sentence.
  • On Sundays, we can do whatever we want.
whatever we want‘ is a noun clause. It contains the subject ‘we’ and the verb ‘want’. The clause acts as a direct object in the sentence.
  • The focus of our work is how we can serve our customers most effectively.
how we can serve our customers most effectively’ is a noun clause. It contains the subject ‘we’ and the verb phrase ‘can serve‘. The clause acts as a predicate nominative in the sentence, identifying focus.
  • Choose a dog for whomever you want.
whomever you want’ is a noun clause. It contains the subject ‘you’ and the verb ‘want’. The clause acts as an object of the preposition for in the sentence.
  • Whichever coat you pick is fine with me.
Whichever coat you pick’ is a noun clause. It contains the subject ‘you’ and the verb ‘pick’. The clause acts as a subject in the sentence.
  • Be sure to send whoever interviewed you a box of chocolates.
whoever interviewed you’ is a noun clause. It contains the subject ‘whoever’ and the verb ‘interviewed’. The clause acts as an indirect object in the sentence.
  • Do you know what the weather will be?
what the weather will be’ is a noun clause. It contains the subject ‘weather’ and the verb phrase ‘will be’. The clause acts as a direct object in the sentence.
  • My greatest asset is that I am a fast worker.
that I am a fast worker’ is a noun clause. It contains the subject ‘I’ and the verb ‘am’. The clause acts as a predicate nominative in the sentence, identifying ‘asset’.
  • It’s important to think about why we make certain deserts.
why we make certain deserts’ is a noun clause. It contains the subject ‘we’ and the verb ‘make’. The clause acts as an object of the preposition ‘about’ in the sentence.
  • I wonder how long we should hide here.
how long we should hide here’ is a noun clause. It contains the subject ‘we’ and the verb phrase ‘should hide’. The clause acts as a direct object in the sentence.
  • Always give whichever teachers you perform for a great show.
whichever teachers you perform for’ is a noun clause. It contains the subject ‘you’ and the verb ‘perform’. The clause acts as an indirect object in the sentence.
  • I’m packing extra snacks for when we have a delayed flight.
when we have a delayed flight’ is a noun clause. It contains the subject ‘we’ and the verb ‘have’. The clause acts as an object of the preposition for in the sentence.

Example sentences using an adjective clause

I do not like people who are mean to animals. (gives more information about people) Can you see the bird that is on the fence? (gives more information about bird) The cat whom we are watching just caught a mouse! (gives more information about cat) The boy whose shoes are on the floor is my little brother. (gives more information about boy) I like pizza,which is also the favorite of my sister Jean. (gives more information about pizza)

Example sentences using an adverb clause

Even though you have done your chores, you can’t go to that movie. Although you gave it your best, you still lost horribly.

When should I use a subordinate clause?

Although, Polly is worried about her situation and with no solution in mind she decides to kill herself, but the thought of her mother taking care of everything calmed her in the end of the story. The CEO must take risk culture into full consideration and embed it at all levels of organization. Which causes mucous membrane inflammation in the lower respiratory tract and enter into the bloodstream through the inflamed areas. Being this prayer was an element in the church’s eucharistic liturgy, “bread” was referred to as the sacramental bread. Living in the LaCrosse area, I feel at times that we are sheltered from the multiracial changes that are happening in our country. Guide to Grammar and Style

How do I use a subordinate clause correctly?

Advertisement has been a big life saver for Samsung in increasing its brand image and Samsung and Samsung mobile phones especially and it clearly depicts the importance of advertising. Fanon stresses the importance of subordinate people to assert their native culture and traditions and retrieve their ‘left’ histories. Management accounting provides accounting information that help internal mangers to take actions to improve future operation within the organisation, for example budget management, quality management and production management. In particular, the retail store is almost universal throughout Malaysia, but the lack of retail stores in remote areas. The basic solution to prevent the water from being contaminated is to stop it from where it originates and that’s at the surface run off. By applying load resistance, we can measure open circuit voltage (OCV) with the help of Fuel Cell testing instrument. They can be reached through tour operator networks and using technological methods via the Internet and websites. British Council English GrammarDue to the financial crisis’ is a subordinate clause. It cannot stand alone as a sentence because it does not express a complete idea. It is dependent on the other part of the sentence to give it meaning. For this reason, a subordinate clause is also known as a dependent clause. Although I do not always like being taught, I am always ready to learn. ‘Although I do not always like being taught’ is a subordinate clause (or dependent clause.). It cannot stand alone as a sentence because it does not express a complete idea. Remember that an independent clause has a subject and a verb and expresses a complete thought-it can stand alone. Although no employee can be fully controlled, Chicago trade secret attorneys can help you take steps to protect your sensitive business information from being revealed by your attorneys. White Americans are often unaware of the oppressiveness of investing in whiteness which stems from a lack of knowledge or understanding of an acceptance of differences, which creates a racial hierarchy placing non-white Americans at a dis-advantage within society. Cambridge English Grammar

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